Educating Entrepreneurs, building businesses and chatting about life... Hi there my name is Linda Monahan & in 2017 I realised that my professional life was at odds with my personal life. I had two children in quick succession & when the career I loved no longer loved me I had a decision to make. The biggest of my life, the decision which catapulted me on my journey from Corporate to Calm. I am now on a journey to talk to others & find out what was their motivation, their catalyst to move from Corporate to Calm.
Friday Jul 02, 2021
The Joy of Productivity - Renske Ensing - Simple. Virtual Business
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
"Are you giving away your best time to someone else?"
In this episode of Corporate to Calm I speak with Renske Ensing. Renske is simply amazing. A variety of careers & a life changing event, Renske is the very definition of Corporate to Calm.
Covid has been a hugely positive experience for Renske & the world has opened up for her.
A yoga teacher & a VA, Renske’s positivity is infectious. She gives back in abundance working with a variety of N4P.
Renske is also working on a product that will change all of our lives & force us to look at our productivity.
She offered 4 key pieces if advice
- Make self-care a priority
- Plan your outsourcing before you need it
- If a social media account doesn’t give you joy then unfollow
- If you are going to jump from Corporate to Calm make sure you have a cushion
I loved every bit of Renske Ensing’s journey from Corporate to Calm.
Enjoy x
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk - Nevin Cody - Shenanigan’s Walks
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
"There's no I can't just I cannot right now"
In this episode of Corporate to Calm I speak with Nevin Cody. Nevin is an entertainer, a trainer and owns the business Shenanigan's Walks. He has over 30 years Corporate experience which has definitely eased the transition from Corporate to Calm or rather Content as Nevin refers to it.
Starting in Penney's and then moving on to ESB, Nevin faced 3 rounds of redundancy is a very short time. On the last occasion a good friend of his congratulated him on his opportunity & the future that lay before him.
Nevin's two favourite words are Curiosity & Consistency both of which he has applied to his Shenanigan's Walks business and as the world opens up let's hear about the future & Nevin Cody's journey from Corporate to Calm.
Enjoy x
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Networking should be at the Core of Every Business - Jean Evans
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In this episode of Corporate to Calm I speak with Jean Evans, The Networking Architect. Jean is the founder of NetworkMe and
the very definition of Corporate to Calm.
Her ascent up the corporate ladder was impressive, an extremely successful Intrapreneur & corporate Networker.
Jean’s vulnerability & determination is so likeable. She is so candid about where she was, having “stepped out of her corporate career & really didn’t understand who she was” to where she is now in a place where she determines what happens & gets out of own way to make it happen.
Jean is adamant that you don’t have time not to Network & 20% of you working week should be spent Networking.
One of her key skills is to “Help people understand where their awesomeness lies” & she is on a mission “to make sure people know Networking is game changing”.
Jean is a self confessed introvert & gives insight into how she manages her energy and is proof there are no excuses not to Network.
I hope you enjoy Jean's journey from Corporate to Calm.
Thursday May 20, 2021
My Mission, My Business, MS & Me -Dr. Conor Kerley
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
"It's not about perfection, it's about progression"
Dr. Conor Kerley is a man on a mission & has launched, pivoted a business & won numerous awards since he founded Phytaphix towards the end of last year.
Conor speaks about "the world being against you" when it comes to nutrition and there is something wrong when you "can purchase a Mars bar for less than an apple".
Despite his first word being "more" Conor has a balanced approach to life with his guilty pleasure being an IPA & his mental health taken care of with sleep, eating well & exercise.
His story is an inspiration. He is a self referred one man band & in my opinion a force to be reckoned with. Conor has had one of the worst years from a personal perspective.
Has that stopped him? 100% NO! It's driven him to have one of the most successful years professionally.
I hope up enjoy Dr. Conor Kerley's journey from Corporate to Calm
Thursday May 06, 2021
Teaching, Learning & Like Minded People (not Aholes!) - Sarah Naylor
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
“Surround Yourself with Like Minded People”
In the latest episode of Corporate to Calm I speak with Sarah Naylor from The Sarah Naylor Academy
From nearly losing her business to pivoting online & creating Masterclasses teaching us all how to look good & feel good
Sarah is driven & passionate with one clear message to empower every woman to reach their full potential
Listen & feel the positivity
Enjoy x
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
"Building relationships with people and having them buy into me is part of why my customers keep coming back"
Linzy a fashion designer who has been showcased in London fashion week, had a store in Powerscourt Townhouse and now Linzy sells everything online across the globe.
Linzy is a powerhouse with a beautiful brand. She is one of the hardest working women I know and explains it would not be possible without her support network.
Enjoy x
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
From one Habit to Another - Do what is Right for You - Maureen O’Brien
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Maureen is the pivot queen & made the biggest pivot of her life in 1991. She has an innate desire to help people and encourages everyone to anchor themselves in value not profit.
Her advice is to walk tall, head high & shoulders back. From her experience people buy people not PHDs and she encourages employers to hire on experience above education. This is a long episode but I guarantee you will find value in every single minute. Enjoy x
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
John’s aim is to bridge the gap on how you view yourself & how the world sees you.
He is open about having no goals. He follows his own path; he is open to opportunity but has learned the value in saying no. John shares his top tips for shooting social media videos and like myself he believes positivity brings opportunity & we should always do what we want in life.
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
“Having something you enjoy doing is worth any amount of money”
Ruth Dempsey owns Finderkeepers, a vintage clothes shop in Bray
In this episode Ruth explains why she opened her shop. We discuss being an introvert & an entrepreneur. Her passion for vintage is infectious & she shares her top tips for starting a business